What to Do If Your Roof Leaks

If you notice a leak in your roof, you should know what to do first. Here are some tips: Identify the source, collect the water, and prevent further damage. Follow these tips, and you should have no problems tackling a roof leak. Once you’ve identified the source, the next step is to get a roofing repair. Once the repair work is done, you can enjoy your house again.

Identifying the source of a roof leak

A leak can originate from several different sources. Some of the most common are roof penetrations like pipes, vents, and chimneys. You can also

Best Roofing Materials for Rainy Areas

If you live in a rainy area, there are a few different roofing materials that you can use. These include metal, clay tiles, slate tiles, wood shingles, cement tiles, and EPDM. These materials are all excellent options when it comes to protecting your home from the elements. Before you make a decision, consider what type of roof is right for your home.

Metal Roofing

Although metal roofing has the advantage of being durable, it is also vulnerable to wind. As it is made of large sheets, wind can easily tear it and cause an unpleasant ringing sound. As such, residential …